Visit our Store

In our store we carry a huge variety of specialty items, Fashion Bags and Makeup. We also offer in store pick up!!

EN HBB MAYOREO-WHOLESALE nos dedicamos a la venta al por mayor y al detal de accessorios tales como maquillajes, joyeria, carteras, pijamas y más. Para toda la Familia.

HBB MAYOREO - WHOLESALE we dedicate to the sale of items such as Makeup, Accessories, Handbags, Sleepwear and more! for all the family, at a wholesale price.

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself"
Coco Chanel

Cute Makeup Pallete
Amuse Tropical Pallets
Eyeshadow Pallete

Popular brands

Our retail store

2809 W Stan Schlueter Loop #100,

Killeen, TX 76549

Mon - Fri, 10:00am - 5:00PM
Saturday, 10:00am - 5:00PM

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